Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

Grantmaking Integrity

As a grantmaking foundation, Piper Trust wants to ensure careful objective handling of grant requests and decision-making founded solely on the strength of each project. Policies underscore the importance of internal independent evaluation, and the Board of Trustees and staff uphold the integrity of the grantmaking process.

  • The Board of Trustees does not meet with the applicants personally to discuss proposed projects.
  • A Conflict of Interest Policy, updated annually and on record in the Trust offices, defines the relationships for both trustees and staff that could potentially raise questions about grantmaking objectivity.
  • In case of a potential conflict, a trustee does not participate in the discussion or final vote on a pending grant.


Each trustee and staff member has the privilege and responsibility to steward the Trust’s mission, vision, and values.

  • Trustees and staff members assume a duty to be familiar with the laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to their positions and a responsibility for carrying out assigned duties in accordance with all policies, rules, and regulations.
  • Trustees and staff members always treat potential grantees, members of nonprofit organizations, and others interacting with the Trust with respect and dignity.


Information about potential grantees, vendors, or investments is privileged and will not be shared outside the Trust. However, the judicious sharing of information about grant proposals or nonprofit organizations with other funders, or in collaborative efforts, may be necessary when staff is engaged in the due-diligence process. These restrictions, though, do not prohibit the sharing of financial information with auditors, attorneys, consultants, investment managers. or professional colleagues, nor do they prohibit participating in surveys designed to benefit the philanthropic field.