
Advancing Community Resilience
By tapping the strengths of existing relationships and fostering new collaborations, this effort works to collectively address pressing issues and community needs.

Building Community Resilience in Maricopa County
This report was produced in 2016 by the Institute for Sustainable Communities, with support from Adaptation International, to assess the resilience opportunities in Maricopa County. This report was created with the support of Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust.

White House Conference on Aging
On March 31, 2015, the White House Conference on Aging-Phoenix Regional Forum was convened to engage older Americans, their families, caregivers, advocates, community leaders, and national experts on key issues affecting older Americans. Additional Listening Sessions were held in Casa Grande, Flagstaff, the Navajo Nation, Tucson, and Yuma to capture statewide dialogue and input. The Phoenix Regional Forum and Listening Sessions were convened to inform and provide ideas for the 2015 White House Conference on Aging in Washington, D.C.

Building an Encore Community: Lessons Learned from Maricopa County
Published by Encore.org, this report captures the great momentum of Maricopa County’s encore movement and highlights model programs that engage experienced adults/encore talent in social purpose work. 2014

100th Arizona Town Hall Report-Civic Engagement
Civic engagement includes more than just involvement with the political process; it also includes how individuals participate in the life of a community and how they come together for a public purpose. Written by Carol Kratz and Karen Leland, chapter 19 focuses on older adults and civic engagement.

Champions Aging in Community
Developed by Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG), this booklet documents aging in place guidelines and success stories in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Dropped? Latino Education and Arizona's Economic Future
Prepared by ASU’s Morrison Institute for Public Policy, this report, supported by Piper Trust and Helios Education Foundation, follows the Institute’s landmark report, Five Shoes Waiting to Drop on Arizona’s Future.

Civic Engagement
Developed by Piper Trust’s program, evaluation and communication staff , this publication presents Piper’s strategies, projects and lessons learned in civic engagement grantmaking.

Arts & Culture Survival Guide: Perspectives from Ben Cameron
A summary of advice and observations Ben Cameron made during his Piper Trust residency in Spring 2013. Award-winning journalist and writer, Kathleen Ingley, captures Ben’s provocative insights.

October 2008 Notebook
The Life of Virginia Galvin Piper Piper Trust settles into new central Phoenix home Message from the board of trustees Annual report 2007/2008

July 2008 Notebook
Touches of Greatness in Nonprofit Leadership and Organizational Sustainability Resources for nonprofit governance and sustainability and a list of Arizona organizations serving nonprofits Piper Fellows Program: Four Fellows/Four Sabbaticals Preventing Disease and Disability

April 2008 Notebook
Retirement (Re) Blooms: Creating a Maricopa Model for living the last third of life Encouraging Rewarding and Productive Activities Promoting Peak Physical and Emotional Health Preventing Disease and Disability

August 2004 Notebook
Creativity, Economic Development and the Future of Maricopa County Alliance for Audience Mesa Arts Center, Phoenix Art Museum, West Valley Center for the Arts Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing Phoenix Zoo

March 2004 Notebook
Cracking Codes and Building Successful Equations Good Shepherd Villa Arizona Quest for Kids Black Theatre Troupe Fundraising with Jerry Panas

May 2003 Notebook
Investing in Community Potential Heard Museum’s “Every Picture Tells A Story” exhibition Youth Mentoring “Tale of Three Cities” Offers Ideas for Regional Arts Planning Foundation for Blind Children

December 2002 Notebook
Four Foundations, One Report, and the Multiple Challenges for Arts Organizations Beatitudes Campus Nonprofit Board Member’s Role Explained Homebase Youth Services Childsplay

June 2002 Notebook
Finding the Common Denominator Between a $125,000 Grant and a $5 Million Grant Centro Adelante Campesino Ballet Arizona Fieldnotes: Piper Fellow Mary Lynn Kasunic KJZZ/KBAQ New Life Center

March 2002 Notebook
Reflections on Our First Cycle Piper Trust Awards Grants to 68 Organizations 2001 Piper Fellows Program Recipients The Piper Fellows Program Update Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center Opens in Scottsdale

SMU DataArts Courses
Free, interactive data literacy courses to help arts leaders use data effectively.

SMU DataArts Tutorials
A video library, which contains visuals and guides on how to use SMU DataArts’s Cultural Data Profile tool.

SMU DataArts: Arts Vibrancy Map
An interactive tool that provides arts professionals, funders, government officials, and advocates data to visually see the strength of a community’s art providers and related components.

Annual Report 2014
Piper Trust’s report for FY2013-2014 is about continuing the momentum that the Trust has established in this past fiscal year.

Annual Report 2013
Piper Trust’s snapshot for FY2012-2013 is defined by momentum. It captures passion and movement.

2011/2012 Biennial Report
Learn about dynamic and innovative work underway by nonprofits in Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust's biennial report.

Annual Report 2010
We were blasted with a year of headlines bearing bad news. As we thought about a theme for the 2010 Piper Trust annual report, we wondered if we could turn the flood of troubling news on its head.

Annual Report 2009
The fall issue highlights Piper Trust's 10-year anniversary and features 10 Lessons Learned in the First 10 Years. The annual report covers the fiscal year ending March 31, 2009.

2007 / 2008 Biennial Report
The fall issue highlights a biography of Virginia Galvin Piper and the move of Piper Trust to new offices in Phoenix. The annual report covers two fiscal years ending March 31, 2007, and March 31, 2008.

2006 Annual Report
With exceptional intelligence and grace, Virginia Galvin Piper committed herself to the challenge, reward and vocation of philanthropy, transforming the gift of a single life into an enduring humanitarian legacy

2004-05 Biennial Report
With exceptional intelligence and grace, Virginia Galvin Piper committed herself to the challenge, reward and vocation of philanthropy, transforming the gift of a single life into an enduring humanitarian legacy. With profound generosity, she led others to realize and to act upon the greatness and charity within themselves.

2003 Annual Report
Provides messages from the President and Board of Trustees as well as financial information and a listing of grants awarded from the Trust's inception to March 31, 2003.