Piper Trust Encore Prizes for Exceptional Organizations recognize nonprofits and public agencies that are addressing critical human resource needs by engaging the growing numbers of people, age 50+, in leadership roles and encore career opportunities that enrich lives and advance the common good.

Piper Trust launched this prize opportunity in 2012; the prizes will be awarded every two years. The next opportunity to apply will be in Spring 2018.

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Up to three organizations (nonprofits or public agencies) will receive a prize of $5,000. In addition, one of the awardees may receive a $50,000 Piper Trust Encore Enhancement Prize to further its work of engaging the talents of older adults, age 50+, in the organization’s mission and social purpose work.

Yes, the $5,000 prizes and the $50,000 Encore Enhancement Prize are grants with terms and conditions.


Nonprofits and public agencies in Maricopa County are eligible to apply or be nominated by others. Nonprofits are required to have operated as a 501(c)(3) for a minimum of three years.


In 2012, 2014, and 2016 Maricopa County nonprofits were awarded Piper Trust Encore Prizes for Exceptional Organizations – view more information about these organizations here.

Other examples:

  • A nonprofit engages encore workers as direct caregivers for its programs serving people with disabilities of all ages. The project specifically recruited and trained 50 older adults (age 50+) for placement in caregiver roles with clients.
  • To fill the leadership transition challenges experienced by many nonprofits, a nonprofit recruits, trains, and places retired executives in interim director positions.
  • A public safety agency recruits and employs encore workers to fill jobs at all levels. One-fourth of the department’s civilian and sworn workforce is age 50+, coming from previous careers in government, retail, and business.
  • To provide homes to people living in substandard and overcrowded conditions, a nonprofit has purposefully built a multigenerational workforce.
  • An environmental nonprofit uses a highly effective recruitment strategy that seeks the skills of experienced encore workers and further, ensures that retention is monitored and flexible schedules are offered.
  • A technical training school employs retirees from the building trades as instructors to provide training and individualized support to an “at-risk” student population.

The strongest applicants are those with encore workers who receive some form of compensation, broadly defined, in return for leadership and/or professional/technical expertise. Compensation can include things such as stipends, salary, health insurance, living allowance, expense reimbursement (e.g., mileage, meals); office space, administrative support, use of computers/Wi-Fi/cell phones; or other creative benefits.

Awardees are organizations that do more than recruit volunteers for part-time assignments, valuable as that is. Organizations engaging individuals, age 50+, solely as traditional volunteers are not eligible for the prizes.

Applications or nominations are welcome from any individual who is familiar with the work/practices of an organization, including an employee submitting an application on behalf of his or her organization.

There is no limit to the number of applications a nominator may submit; however, multiple applications for the same organization are unnecessary and discouraged.

Applications will be accepted only through online submissions via Piper Trust’s website. 

No. Applications will be evaluated based solely on the answers submitted on the application form. Additional materials will not be considered. During the review process, some applicants may be contacted and asked to provide additional information and/or interviewed.

An acknowledgement page will appear confirming that your application has been submitted.


The Selection Committee will review the applications using the following criteria:

  • Intent: Are intentional practices in place to engage older adults, age 50+, in the organization’s social purpose work?
  • Social Purpose: What is the social need addressed by the work/encore workers? Social purpose work refers to work that directly contributes to solving important social problems, meeting important social needs, and improving life for people and communities.
  • Impact: How many individuals, age 50+, are engaged in encore roles at the organization and how are they being compensated? Note: Compensation is broadly defined and can include things such as stipends, salary, health insurance, living allowance, expense reimbursement (e.g., mileage, meals); office space, administrative support, use of computers/Wi-Fi/cell phones; or other creative benefits. How does the organization measure the impact of encore workers’ contributions?
  • Creativity: Does the organization use resourceful solutions to overcome obstacles in recruitment or retention of encore workers or to expand opportunities for encore workers?
  • Replicability/Expansion: Does the organization have an encore engagement model that is inspirational? Does it have a “best or promising practice” in place that could be replicated by other organizations? Can the model or practice be extended to engage more people?

A selection committee, comprised of local and national members, will present a recommended slate of awardee(s) to the Trustees of Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust for final selection.

Awardees will be contacted by a staff member of Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust; awardees will be announced/celebrated at a Piper Trust event in the fall of 2016.


Karen Leland Director, Communications/External Relations
kleland@pipertrust.org / 480-556-7125

Roberta Lind, Communications and Technology Associate
rlind@pipertrust.org / 480-556-7127

Yes, Piper Trust’s Encore Prizes for Exceptional Organizations are planned to be awarded in even-number years; the next offering is planned for 2018. In odd-number years, Piper Trust recognizes an outstanding individual for his/her encore career with the Piper Trust Encore Prize for Career Excellence.

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