Grantmaking History


Organization Name Amount Summary Fiscal Year Primary Program Area
Audubon Arizona $350,000 To support a capital campaign to build the Rio Salado Audubon Center. 2008 Children Education
Audubon Arizona $50,000 To support education and outreach efforts to area youth through the Rio Salado Education Center. 2005 Children Education
AZCEND $100,000 Support strategic organizational enhancements (ATLAS Nonprofit Strength and Endurance). 2023 Children
AZCEND $100,000 Strengthen nonprofit community during COVID-19 crisis. 2021 Children
Back-To-School Clothing Drive Association $15,000 Support efforts to strengthen nonprofit board governance practices and leadership (Good Governance Fund). 2019 Children
Back-To-School Clothing Drive Association $9,850 Support human resources consulting services for organizational effectiveness (Piper Academy Grant). 2014 Children
Back-To-School Clothing Drive Association $50,000 Develop and implement a fundraising strategy (Piper Fellows Organizational Enhancement Award). 2014 Children Piper Fellows
Back-To-School Clothing Drive Association $155,000 Expand a school uniform program serving disadvantaged children. 2012 Children
Back-To-School Clothing Drive Association $75,000 To support a paid executive director position. 2006 Children
Back-To-School Clothing Drive Association $30,000 To support a program that provides school uniforms for children of low-income families in the Valley. 2003 Children
Best Buddies Arizona $150,000 To support extracurricular clubs in Valley high schools that offer social inclusion opportunities for special education students. 2009 Children
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona $500,000 Support the Trustee's Now is the Moment Celebration of our Community. 2022 Children
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona $125,000 Support nonprofit recovery to offset COVID-19 crisis impacts. 2022 Children
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona $62,500 Strengthen nonprofit community during COVID-19 crisis. 2021 Children
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona $120,500 Support capacity building (2020 Initiative—Post-ATLAS/Human Services Organizations). (Repurpose COVID-19) 2021 Children
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