Grantmaking History


Organization Name Amount Summary Fiscal Year Primary Program Area
Phoenix Parks and Conservation Foundation $25,000 Expenses related to the Horse Lovers Management Corporation occupying a closed City of Phoenix building and delivering community services for youth. 2012 Children
Phoenix Public Library Foundation $100,000 Support nonprofit recovery to offset COVID-19 crisis impacts for The College Depot. 2022 Children
Phoenix Rescue Mission $250,000 Changing Lives Center, a 68-unit residential addiction recovery program serving homeless single women and their children. 2006 Children
Phoenix Zoo $300,000 To support a capital project to create the 'Enchanted Forest' which is designed to stimulate children's imagination and appreciation of the natural world. 2003 Children Education
Prevent Child Abuse Arizona $100,000 Strengthen nonprofit community during COVID-19 crisis. 2021 Children
Prevent Child Abuse Arizona $15,000 Support efforts to strengthen nonprofit board governance practices and leadership (Good Governance Fund). 2020 Children
Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation $20,000 To provide funds for afterschool programming for children in low-income families. 2009 Children
Raising Special Kids $40,000 Support leadership development and educational programs for Christopher Tiffany's Piper Fellow sabbatical. 2023 Children
Raising Special Kids $100,000 Support nonprofit recovery to offset COVID-19 crisis impacts. 2022 Children
Raising Special Kids $180,000 Expand behavioral health services. 2021 Children
Raising Special Kids $85,250 (Repurpose COVID-19) Support capacity building (2020 Initiative—Post-ATLAS/Human Services Organizations). 2021 Children
Raising Special Kids $15,000 Support efforts to strengthen nonprofit board governance practices and leadership (Good Governance Fund). 2020 Children
Raising Special Kids $50,000 Support strategic organizational enhancements (ATLAS Nonprofit Strength and Endurance). 2018 Children
Raising Special Kids $108,000 Implement a positive behavior intervention program for staff trainers and parents/families of special needs children. 2015 Children
Raising Special Kids $40,000 To develop and pilot new training workshops for parents of children with disabilities. 2011 Children
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