Grantmaking History


Organization Name Amount Summary Fiscal Year Primary Program Area
Arizona State University Foundation $1,000,000 Support the Trustee's Now is the Moment Celebration of our Community designated for Dream Fund Scholarships. 2022 Education
Arizona State University Foundation $500,000 Support Phase I of Social, Economic, and Environmental Resilience (SEER) Knowledge Exchange project to advance community resilience. 2019 Education
Arizona State University Foundation $3,000,000 Expand ASU’s Center for Sustainable Health. 2012 Education Healthcare and Medical Research
Arizona State University Foundation $85,000 Updated Morrison Institute Latino Education Dilemma report. 2011 Education
Arizona State University Foundation $175,000 To build a communications platform to advance ideas surrounding a new model for Arizona's economic future. 2011 Education
Arizona Town Hall $25,000 Support the 103rd Arizona Town Hall on early education. 2014 Education
Association for Supportive Child Care $200,000 Support nonprofit recovery to offset COVID-19 crisis impacts in Maricopa County. 2022 Education
Audubon Arizona $350,000 To support a capital campaign to build the Rio Salado Audubon Center. 2008 Children Education
Audubon Arizona $50,000 To support education and outreach efforts to area youth through the Rio Salado Education Center. 2005 Children Education
Be A Leader Foundation $100,000 Support nonprofit recovery to offset COVID-19 crisis impacts. 2022 Education
Be A Leader Foundation $250,000 Support the Trustee's Now is the Moment Celebration of our Community. 2022 Education
Be A Leader Foundation $30,000 Strengthen nonprofit community during COVID-19 crisis. 2021 Education
Be A Leader Foundation $52,500 (Repurpose COVID-19) Support capacity building (2020 Initiative—Post-ATLAS/Human Services Organizations). 2021 Education
Be A Leader Foundation $50,000 Support strategic organizational enhancements (ATLAS Nonprofit Strength and Endurance). 2018 Education
Be A Leader Foundation $274,000 Expand program offerings and implement student tracking technology. 2017 Education
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