Grantmaking History


Organization Name Amount Summary Fiscal Year Primary Program Area
Be A Leader Foundation $20,000 To improve technology for underserved students through e-mentoring. 2010 Education
Be A Leader Foundation $250,000 To support renovation and technology upgrades at the Roosevelt Community Technology Center in South Phoenix. 2008 Education
Bourgade Catholic High School $1,000,000 Support the Trustee's Now is the Moment Celebration of our Community for scholarships. 2022 Education
Bourgade Catholic High School $3,000,000 To support construction of a new student services building and renovation of the Hillmann Center as well as provide a $1 million challenge grant to fund athletic facilities. 2005 Education Religious Organizations
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Phoenix $500,000 To renovate the pool area of the Rosenzweig Branch into a teen center and support afterschool and summer teen programming. 2003 Children Education
Boys & Girls Clubs of the East Valley $300,000 Expand academic success programs designed to increase high school graduation rates of high risk teens. 2014 Education
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Phoenix $500,000 Expand STEM programming for youth via partnership with Woz U Education Program. 2019 Education
Boys Hope Girls Hope of Arizona $100,000 Support nonprofit recovery to offset COVID-19 crisis impacts. 2022 Education
Boys Hope Girls Hope of Arizona $15,000 Support efforts to strengthen nonprofit board governance practices and leadership (Good Governance Fund). 2017 Education
Boys Hope Girls Hope of Arizona $100,000 To design and implement mentoring services for academically successful youth from low-income families. 2008 Education
Brophy College Preparatory $1,000,000 Support the Trustee's Now is the Moment Celebration of our Community for scholarships. 2022 Education
Brophy College Preparatory $5,000,000 To support The Virginia G. Piper Center for Math and Science. 2001 Education Religious Organizations
Chandler Education Foundation $4,500 To fund supplies for an early learning program for migrant parents of preschoolers. 2007 Education
Chandler Education Foundation $47,500 To develop a curriculum for a home-based program to help immigrant parents prepare their preschool children to enter school ready to learn. 2006 Children Education
Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc. $200,000 To support a fund established for undocumented college students. 2009 Education
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