Piper Trust provides community relief grants for Maricopa County nonprofits stretched to serve those in need

October 27, 2008

Piper Trust provides community relief grants for Maricopa County nonprofits stretched to serve those in need

Grant program commits $1 million to help organizations in economic crisis

PHOENIX (October 27, 2008)Recognizing the growing financial distress in Maricopa County, Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust announced a $1 million commitment to a new Community Relief Grants program for nonprofits providing direct assistance to the community.

Piper Trust made the first grants to four human services agencies providing basic needs of food and shelter to residents with the greatest needs in Maricopa County. The initial Community Relief Grant recipients are Central Arizona Shelter Services, Human Services Campus, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and St. Joseph the Worker. The first four grants totaled $200,000.

"The economic downturn affects everyone, but none more than our most vulnerable residents and the agencies serving them," said Judy Jolley Mohraz, Ph.D., president and CEO of Piper Trust. "The Piper board of trustees made a $1 million commitment to provide relief grants to organizations strained to the breaking point as costs have mounted steeply and donations have dropped sharply," Mohraz added.

The need is enormous, and Mohraz acknowledges that Piper's commitment does not solve the problem. "What Piper Trust can do is a cup of water in a vast desert of need," she said.

Piper Trust is committed to raise public awareness of the plight of nonprofits and will allocate the remaining $800,000 over the next five months. Additional grants will seek to help families remain in their homes, keep children safe, and help older adults preserve their independence. Piper Trust will also focus on helping nonprofits do more with less, looking for new efficiencies, ways of earning revenue and decreasing costs.

Even with the economic uncertainty, Mohraz underscored that Piper Trust will fulfill its $26 million grant payment commitment for the fiscal year 2009 ending March 31, 2009.

"In these hard times, we also encourage individuals to give more at a time when the first impulse is to give less," said Mohraz. "The needs are critical, and every dollar matters."