News > Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust Applauds a Notable Maricopa County Asset—Its “Social Profit” Community > Page 2

June 10, 2016
Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust Applauds a Notable Maricopa County Asset—Its “Social Profit” Community
June 10, 2016
Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust Applauds a Notable Maricopa County Asset—Its “Social Profit” Community
PHOENIX, Ariz.—Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust’s recent investments support vital work underway by nonprofits—better described as social profits as this defines them by what they are—social profits work to benefit people and their places; they strive daily to care for and enrich the lives of those they serve. Piper Trust is privileged to help further the fine work of these social profits in their quests to strengthen their effectiveness and benefit society. Following are some examples along with the complete listing of recent grants.
- Arizona Science Center engages its visitors, 500,000 annually, in hands-on educational and discovery experiences related to science and technology. Mindful of rapidly changing consumer demographics, the Center plans to use a new, highly sophisticated data analytics program that will turn real-time data into actionable business tools; this will help inform decision making and ultimately improve the visitor experience.
- A New Leaf is expanding services at its La Mesita Family Center for homeless families. The renovation will provide a comprehensive array of services for children and families beyond emergency housing such as health and wellness care and spaces for community-building and afterschool programs.
- Two new mentoring programs will fortify specific needs for young people. Florence Crittenton is implementing a mentoring program for girls and young women who have suffered from various forms of trauma. Phoenix Indian Center is adding a mentoring component to a program for Native American boys and young men that will help facilitate their engagement and success in academics.
- By 2020 Phoenix Children’s Hospital expects to care for 100,000 children annually in its emergency room; they currently treat 83,000 young patients annually in outgrown space. As such, they will be building a new pediatric emergency department and Level 1 trauma center—expanding from 38 emergency treatment rooms to 72. The improved design of the trauma unit expects to decrease patient wait times by 30 minutes.
- Foundation for Senior Living identified how to improve its services by deploying an integrated program delivery model—a new client-centered focus called Care by Design® has the potential to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs.
“Piper Trust is humbled by the formidable work of our social profit community. They are strengthening their resiliency by identifying stressors, rethinking and adjusting to improve their efficiencies, and ultimately, fulfilling their missions by doing good and doing well. We are inspired by them—they truly are social profit organizations,” said Susan Pepin, M.D., president and CEO, Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust.
Following is the list of grants awarded December 2015 through May 2016 by grantmaking area; grants for this period total more than $12.3 million.
Arizona Science Center
Design and implement comprehensive customer data analytics program.
$830,000 / 36 months
i.d.e.a. Museum Board of Directors
Support to strengthen fundraising initiatives.
$207,500 / 24 months
Phoenix Theatre
Support strategic planning to strengthen fundraising initiatives.
$132,500 / 12 months
A New Leaf
Expand services at La Mesita Family Emergency Homeless Shelter (Capital Campaign).
$1,150,000 / 24 months
Back-to-School Grants
Provide school clothing grants to 300 public elementary schools within 41 Maricopa County districts.
$1,699,500 / 36 months
Expect More Arizona
Develop and implement early language and literacy campaign through Read On Arizona.
$150,000 / 24 months
Family Promise of Greater Phoenix
Enhance child health and development services.
$86,000 / 24 months
Florence Crittenton Services of Arizona, Inc.
Expand and enhance mentoring program that serves female youth.
$150,000 / 36 months
Foothills Food Bank
Expand facility to accommodate growing clientele.
$150,000 / 12 months
Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center
Replicate early childhood programming in new community school.
$110,000 / 24 months
Summer Youth Program Fund
Support a funding collaborative to invest in summer programs for youth.
$300,000 / 36 months
Valley of the Sun YMCA
Support programming and technology upgrades.
$500,000 / 36 months
Be A Leader Foundation
Expand program offerings and implement student tracking technology.
$274,000 / 36 months
Friends of Public Radio Arizona
Build second location to expand SPOT127 youth media center program.
$132,000 / 12 months
Phoenix Indian Center, Inc.
Expand intervention initiatives and establish mentoring program for adolescent urban American Indian males.
$355,000 / 36 months
El Rio Community Health Center
Support research, development, and implementation of children’s vision health protocol.
$350,000 / 12 months
Jewish Family and Children’s Service
Build new comprehensive healthcare center to expand services (Capital Campaign).
$320,000 / 12 months
Phoenix Children’s Hospital Foundation
Support new pediatric emergency department and Level 1 trauma center (Capital Campaign).
$4,000,000 / 48 months
Duet: Partners in Health & Aging
Expand services and establish mentoring program for caregivers of older adults.
$460,000 / 36 months
Foundation for Senior Living
Implement coordinated care program (Care by Design®) to optimize patient outcomes.
$750,000 / 36 months
Piper Fellows Organizational Enhancement Awards support a specific project to address a major opportunity or challenge facing a Fellow’s organization; Piper Fellows are eligible to apply for up to $50,000.
Phoenix Theatre
Develop and implement new fundraising strategy (Piper Fellows Organizational Enhancement Award).
$50,000 / 12 months
Piper Trust’s Good Governance Fund for grantees supports efforts to strengthen nonprofit board governance practices and leadership. The following 13 organizations each received Good Governance awards of $15,000: Association of Arizona Food Banks, Boys Hope Girls Hope of Arizona, Catholic Charities Community Services, Esperanca, Inc., Family Promise of Greater Phoenix, First Things First, Gabriel’s Angels, Junior Achievement of Arizona, Inc., Keogh Health Connection, Maricopa Health Foundation, New Pathways for Youth, Save the Family Foundation of Arizona, Southern Arizona Association for the Visually Impaired.
Arizona Community Foundation
Support administrative efforts for the 2016 Arizona Gives Day.
$10,000 / 12 months
About Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust:
Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust supports organizations that enrich health, well-being, and opportunity for the people of Maricopa County, Arizona. Since it began awarding grants in 2000, Piper Trust has invested more than $362 million in local nonprofits and programs. Piper Trust grantmaking areas are healthcare and medical research, children, older adults, arts and culture, education, and religious organizations. For more information, visit Follow us on Twitter @PiperTrust; visit us on Facebook.
Karen Leland, 480-556-7125 /
Director, Communications and External Relations
Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust, 1202 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85014