Priorities > Nonprofit Support > Piper Fellows > Eligibility

Qualified Organizations
The candidate’s employing organization must be a nonprofit charity/501(c)(3) that provides services within Maricopa County for a minimum of 10 years* in human services, health, education, arts and culture, or religious organizations. The employing organization must:
- Fully support the candidate’s request to participate in the Piper Fellows program/self-designed/professional development plan and state how management of the organization will be handled during absences for Fellowship activities.
- Guarantee all salary and benefits and continue full-time employee status of the candidate during absences.
- Be able to sustain regular operations during the candidate’s absences.
Strong candidates are leaders who have significant responsibilities for a nonprofit organization serving Maricopa County in the areas of human services, health, education, arts and culture, or religious organizations. Employees of organizations classified as private foundations under Section 509(a) are not eligible. A candidate for the Piper Fellows program should:
- Be an outstanding leader who has a demonstrated track record of leadership within the organization and service to the community.
- Be responsible for a significant level of management of the organization’s programmatic or operational activities.
- Have worked a minimum of seven years in the nonprofit sector as a full-time
employee of the nonprofit(s), though not necessarily for a single organization. - Be a full-time employee of the applicant organization and reside in Arizona.
Requirements of a Piper Fellow
- Begin his/her work plan in January of the year following selection.
- Submit a Final Reflection Report to Piper Trust within three months of completion of the Piper Fellowship. Reports should detail learnings of the professional development activities and how the experiences will be applied and help better serve the mission of the organization.
- Participate in periodic activities during the Fellowship year and in subsequent years to build on individual and shared experiences, foster continued professional development, and stimulate potential collaboration among the Piper Fellow organizations.
Questions? Please contact Karen Leland at