Grantmaking History


Organization Name Amount Summary Fiscal Year Primary Program Area
Duet: Partners in Health & Aging $40,000 Provide COVID-19 vaccine related support services for older adults. 2022 Older Adults
Duet: Partners in Health & Aging $50,000 Strengthen nonprofit community during COVID-19 crisis. 2021 Older Adults
Duet: Partners in Health & Aging $86,000 (Repurpose COVID-19) Support capacity building (2020 Initiative—Post-ATLAS/Human Services Organizations). 2021 Older Adults
Duet: Partners in Health & Aging $20,000 Support community response efforts to COVID-19 crisis. 2021 Older Adults
East Valley Adult Resources $15,000 Support efforts to strengthen nonprofit board governance practices and leadership (Good Governance Fund). 2015 Older Adults
East Valley Adult Resources $50,000 Support strategic organizational enhancements (ATLAS Nonprofit Strength and Endurance Project) 2014 Older Adults
East Valley Adult Resources $60,000 To support website, promotional and marketing materials to attract younger participants. 2010 Older Adults
East Valley Adult Resources $15,000 To support a collaborative planning process to develop a Life Options/Next Chapter center for older adults to explore options including health, wellness, education, volunteer and paid opportunities. 2004 Older Adults
East Valley Adult Resources $130,000 To provide matching grant funds for the annual Friends Campaign to strengthen fundraising capacity. 2004 Older Adults
East Valley Adult Resources $50,000 To support an outreach program to link homebound and isolated seniors with improved services. 2003 Older Adults
Empowerment Systems, Inc. $234,275 Build and deliver an online version of Chronic Disease Self-Management System. 2012 Healthcare and Medical Research Older Adults $50,000 Support the fall 2014 national Encore Nation conference to strengthen Maricopa County’s encore movement. 2015 Older Adults $48,500 Develop Encore prize programs for Maricopa County organizations and individuals based on Civic Ventures' model. 2013 Older Adults $250,000 To support a countywide process to convene stakeholders and identify steps to promote civic engagement among older adults. 2009 Older Adults $107,500 To provide continued technical assistance to the Next Chapter projects to support older adults' career transitions and civic engagement. 2008 Older Adults
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