Grantmaking History


Organization Name Amount Summary Fiscal Year Primary Program Area $59,520 To provide technical assistance to implement Experience Corps in Maricopa County. 2007 Older Adults $9,500 To support planning for several Maricopa County Experience Corps projects that place older adults in urban public schools and afterschool programs as tutors and mentors. 2007 Older Adults $256,000 To support the implementation of Life Options/Next Chapter centers and provide the Trust with information and advice about Next Chapter initiatives and supportive services. 2006 Older Adults $4,000 To sponsor one of four White House Conference on Aging sessions on civic engagement held in Phoenix on February 25, 2005. 2006 Older Adults
Esperança, Inc. $15,000 Support efforts to strengthen nonprofit board governance practices and leadership (Good Governance Fund). 2021 Older Adults
Esperanca, Inc. $300,000 Implement health education programs for Latino older adults. 2019 Older Adults
Experience Matters $15,000 Support efforts to strengthen nonprofit board governance practices and leadership (Good Governance Fund). 2020 Older Adults
Experience Matters Consortium $80,000 Support four additional Encore Fellowship positions. 2013 Older Adults
Experience Matters Consortium $373,500 Develop business/staffing plan and funding strategy for the Encore Fellowship program and support 11 Encore Fellow positions. 2012 Older Adults
Experience Matters Consortium $20,000 Initial fellowship for the Maricopa County Encore Fellowship Program. 2012 Older Adults
Experience Matters Consortium $17,200 Service, learning and leadership opportunities for older adults. 2011 Older Adults
Experience Matters Consortium $75,000 To support a community-based effort linking older adults with purposeful activities in the nonprofit sector. 2010 Older Adults
Experience Matters Consortium, Inc. $300,000 Provide additional funding to continue scalable business model that connects social sector organizations and experienced adults focused on civic service. 2018 Older Adults
Experience Matters Consortium, Inc. $200,000 Update strategic plan and expand program tools. 2016 Older Adults
Experience Matters Consortium, Inc. $15,000 Support efforts to strengthen nonprofit board governance practices and leadership (Good Governance Fund). 2015 Older Adults
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